Gun firing incidents in America have increased rapidly in recent years. On May 24, a shooting broke out at a Texas school in which 19 children and two teachers were killed. Anger is being seen among the people after this incident. Thousands of people protested in 450 cities, including Washington.
Members of the protesting gun safety group March for Our Lives say that they will not let the government sit with their hands on their hands. One of the protesters said – people are dying. This is happening when the government is not doing anything. The government has to take strict steps. Now the law needs to be changed.
America has not ended its gun culture even after 230 years. There are two reasons for this. First- Many Americans have been advocating for maintaining this culture from the President to the Governor of the states there. Second- Gun manufacturing companies, that is, the gun lobby is also the main reason for the survival of this culture. According to a 2019 report, there were 63 thousand licensed gun dealers in the US, who sold guns worth USD 10 billion to American citizens that year.
America, the history of gun culture in America is about 230 years old. Under the Second Amendment to the Constitution in 1791, American citizens were given the right to keep and buy arms. This culture started in America when the British ruled there. At that time there was no permanent security force, that’s why people were given the right to keep weapons for the safety of themselves and family, but this law of America continues even today.
According to the Education Week report, since 2018 there have been 119 school shootings in the US. In 2022 alone, there have been 27 incidents of shootings in schools, of which 140 have died. In 2021, 250 people were targeted in shootings, of which 103 people died.