Due to the delta variant of the corona virus, there is a big surge in the cases of infection in children and the number of children infected with Kovid-19 admitted to the hospitals is increasing continuously.
Due to the delta variant of Coronavirus in America, a big jump is being seen in the cases of infection and it is rapidly engulfing children. Due to this, the number of children infected with Kovid-19 admitted to hospitals in America is increasing continuously. According to experts, this is happening because of the delta variant, as it is more likely to infect children than the alpha strain.
This trend has especially come to the fore in many parts of America, which are struggling with low vaccination rates. The number of hospitalizations of children infected with Kovid-19 is being seen in areas with less vaccination. “Since the beginning of July, we have seen a steady increase in the number of cases and we have also seen an increase in hospitalized children,” said Dr. James Versalovic, a pediatrician at Texas Children’s Hospital.
Dr. James Versalovic said, ‘It is being considered as the fourth wave here and it is because of the delta variant. The delta variant is by far the most contagious of all known strains of COVID-19. Delta variant has been found in more than 90 percent of children infected with corona.
The doctor said, ‘The reality is that there is no vaccine yet for children below the age of 12 years. Children 12 years of age or older are being vaccinated, but many have not yet been vaccinated. There is still less than 50 percent of the youth in this area who have been fully vaccinated.
Let us tell you that Pfizer Corona Vaccine for Children has been approved in the US, although it is being administered to children aged 12 to 17 years. Pfizer released the data in March and said that 2,260 volunteers aged 12 to 15 years were given this vaccine, after which no case of the corona was reported in any child. He had claimed that his vaccine is 100% effective on children.
According to the analysis, Florida set a record for eight consecutive days of hospitalization of children. This is happening at a time when most students in Texas and Florida are going back to school this month. Meanwhile, some schools are debating whether masks are required for children.